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Where The TV Meets The Internet (Episode 2)

Sure. For years studies have showed that viewers do NOT want the Internet to invade their TV screen.  But I disagree.  That was the past.  And why are people using TWO screens? Why move from one device to another? Isn’t that cumbersome?  Certainly people are becoming quite nimble when it comes to their electronic devices. But wouldn’t be totally cool if we could interact with all of our favorite media devices (or vices depending how you closely attached you are to them) on one screen?

Just look at mobile devices in which people talk, Tweet, and share on Facebook on a single device.  People today are looking for a single device to browse the web, chat with friends, and listen to music (and soon to be purchase things) on a single device which in the end simplifies their electronic world.

Well, the time has come for the TV makers to include Internet interface on their TV devices.  Just one more simple connection from the TV to the broadband provider’s box whether it be Verizon FIOS, the cable provider, or satellite dish and it all comes together.  Offer an optional USB for the keyboard or additional functionality in the remote control and folks can share their viewing habits with the world.  Better yet, integrate a Bluetooth connection and make the accessories wireless.

That’s right. That’s all it takes. And in the words of Jackie Gleason’s character, Ralph Kramden, “And away we go!”.  

It just takes some one to start the bus up and take the folks for the ride.

Certainly there are some additional technical factors involved here.  But they are not difficult to overcome nor are they expensive.  The idea for allowing TV sets to enable an Internet interface and share the screen with a person’s favorite TV show does not involve atom splitting or even rocket science. Soon IPTV will be here and it will bring even more capabilties.

Just as a person will view the TV screen (in screen) and scan for the night’s TV schedule or Movies on Demand, a viewer should be able to bring up their favorite web page.  While I’m watching my favorite sitcom, I should be able to blog, Tweet, or share on Facebook the latest news, joke or episode of my favorite show on my TV.

Why not? Think how we split, panel, and view multiple applications on our PC’s.  With the advent of larger TV screens with better resolutions, imagine a 42 or 52 inch LED screen allowing for a section of the screen to include an Internet connection to whatever web site we desire.  There is plenty of room for both.  Give the viewer what the viewer wants when they want it.

What makes people use two or more devices?   Because that is all we have today. As mentioned in Episode 1 , people have become multitaskers and the evolution of people and their devices. It’s about evolution on a human and technological level.  It’s about making both mediums converge and work as both a way for people to interact and share their experiences both online and off. It about marketing opportunities to make two marketing mediums more connected and more better.

In Episode 3 we’ll discuss some business reasons why the convergence should evolve. Read the rest of this entry