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My Favorite Marketers

 …that the first person that comes to MY mind when thinking about business strategy and marketing is the father of the National Football League.  The Godfather, the genius, the creator of all things NFL, Alvin Ray “Pete” Rozelle .   


Pete had the foresight to create such a profitable product that has become such a cash generating machine that puts people in front of TV set like no one other.  In its infancy, the NFL barely caught a hundred thousand eyeballs on a Sunday afternoon.  The first Super Bowl was barely seen by a hundred thousand eyes.   Today it is a powerhouse that fuels millions of dollars in merchandising and marketers which lay their products at the NFL’s feet. The Super Bowl is practically another nation-wide holiday.   Not bad for a kid born during the Great Depression began his career at the University of San Francisco, working as a student publicist for the school’s football team.   

My second favorite is the often misunderstood Madonna. Sure she was considered what I’ll call “bawdy”.  But her body is what got her quite a bit of attention.  She was the first – since Marilyn Monroe – to maximize her sex appeal, physical sensuality, and talent.  Lady Madonna could dance, sing, and flash her “wares” like none other.


Like Pete, she understood her product and the market that awaited it. She understood how to manipulate it, engage it, and promote it.  Yes, Miss Madonna Louise Ciccone not only knew her talent (product) but understood her industry, her target markets, and how to continue to deliver and transform her “product” to engage fans and engage people’s wallets.

My next but certainly not least favorite marketer is Oprah.  All I can is WOW! From the role she played in the movie the color purple she has become a marketing and entertainment juggernaut.


Oprah has become one of the world’s most famous people.  And one of America’s most admired women. Oprah has managed to engage fans and marketers (free cars sound familiar?) and delivered marketing ROI that CMO’s salivate over.  Oprah now has her own magazine, her own production company (Harpo),  and her own network (OWN).  Not bad for a poor girl that’s now one of America’s richest.


Obviously I have narrowed my view to the entertainment industry. But just look what each has done in short a short time!  The NFL from the late sixties to date.  Madonna from the early eighties to the late nineties and beyond.  Oprah from the late eighties to date and beyond.  Quick and elongated rises to  marketing stardom and consumer recognition that consume people’s minds and wallets. Each has managed to continuously watch and engage their market.  Each has continuously been able to transform themselves  and deliver new product to meet their changing market needs. And finally, each has managed to continuously remain relevant in an ever changing industry. Marketing Nirvana.