Does Your Marketing Strategy Include IT?

I recently read an article from Marketing Profs – – regarding developing a dashboard for monitoring your marketing efforts. While nothing new, it is an effective tool if developed and built correctly. The dashboard should be clearly presented on the screen, via browser, and include all important metrics.  Each metric should have the abiltiy to be clicked and provide details or reports inlcuding fiances, sales returns, leads, etc. resulting from particular campaign, strategy able to and even better if presented in real time. And if you want it built correctly and maintained daily, you better have a great relationship with your IT peers. Which in turn would mean, that IT should play a big part in your marketing efforts – especially your online efforts. No?

Any ideas or thoughts on IT’s impact and building a Marketing-IT partnership?

About pcmulzoff

I've been fortunate to live what I think has been a wonderful life: great friends, great family, wonderful wife, good health. And fortunate enough to be blessed with a imaginitive mind.

Posted on June 21, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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