A Need for IT and Martketing to Unite

A while ago I should have published this but must have gotten very frustrated in the communications divide between IT and Marketing (March 2010).  But as time as shown,  I think it still holds true today if not more so.

“I recently read an article from Marketing Profs – http://bit.ly/cHVAAb – regarding developing a dashboard for monitoring your marketing efforts. While nothing new, it is an effective tool if developed and built correctly. The dashboard should be clearly presented on the screen, via browser, and include all important metrics. Each metric should have the ability to be clicked and provide details or reports including finances, sales returns, leads, etc. resulting from particular campaign, strategy able to and even better if presented in real time. And if you want it built correctly and maintained daily, you better have a great relationship with your IT peers. Which in turn would mean, that IT should play a big part in your marketing efforts – especially your online efforts. No?”

The reason I bring this up today is an article I read in CIO magazine.  It’s a well-respected periodical with a well-respected author.  A good read as well.  It is also my inspiration for obtaining an MBA Degree in Marketing after 20 years working in IT. (It’s worth and the membership which is free)

The article opens up with a great short paraphrased business case and goes on to discuss tips that focus on the real focus of any organization: The Customer.

In short, it’s all about understanding the other’s needs.  For instance:

Marketing wants now; “it’s all about me”; IT has server change lead times; IT supports EVERYONE.

Marketing needs: flexibility: web page changes such as landing pages to advertisement links that engages customers;

IT in return needs: certain notification lead times; landing page specs;

Marketing needs: pertinent and targeted consumer information;

IT in return needs:  specific data and itemized search information to build pertinent reports;

With that said, we all know that each of us on a personal or departmental level all have our own sense deliverables and objectives.  Each organization has its own idea of needs.

But these are truly short term. Because we truly all know that the long term health of the company brings us all a certain level of rewards.

And as time will tell, having IT and Marketing work cohesively will build stronger sales results.

Any ideas or thoughts on its impact and building a Marketing-IT partnership?

About pcmulzoff

I've been fortunate to live what I think has been a wonderful life: great friends, great family, wonderful wife, good health. And fortunate enough to be blessed with a imaginitive mind.

Posted on June 21, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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